Research and Need Assessment


Attain a developed society based on social justice using scientific methods.


Independence and impartiality
Being scientific and real
Initiative and effort
Complying with national and international values availability


To carry out research in different academic disciplines such as women’s rights, children’s rights, minority rights, social security, governance, economy, political economy, natural resource management, education and immigration, using scientific methods in compliance with national and international standards.

Scope of Research and Assessment

Human Rights

Women’s Rights

Minorities’ Rights

Social Immunity


Economics and Political Economy

Natural Resources Management



Research and Need Assessment Team

Omid Khan Oxir

Faculty Member of Public Policy and Administration, Kabul University

BA in Public Policy and Administration from Kabul University
MA in Public Policy and Administration from Al Mustafa International University Kabul Afghanistan.
Language: Persian, Pashto and English
Scientific programs: SPSS, STATA, Research Methodology
1. Examining the role of accountability on the level of transparency in the Afghanistan Academy of Sciences
2. The effect of psychological empowerment of employees on the improvement of the organizational health of Afghanistan’s public administration
3. Investigating the history of local governance in the principles and constitutions of Afghanistan
4. Investigating time management in organizational efficiency
5. Investigating the intellectual and cultural factors of administrative corruption in Afghanistan
6. Description of Bidel’s special compounds (four elements)
Verbal and verbal arts in Bidel Dehlavi’s poems
7. A comparative study of Macharaganta’s philosophy and the unity of Islamic mysticism


Mohammad Farid Noorzad

Faculty Member of Public Policy and Administration, Kabul University

BA in Economics from Kabul University.
MA in Management and Organization from Selcuk University, Turkey.
Languages: Persain, Pashto, English and Turkish
Scientific programs: SPSS and STATA
1. Noorzad, M.F. (2023). Green tax and its role in sustainable development in Afghanistan. The scientific journal of the Faculty of Communication and Journalism, Kabul University. Issue 2, Volume (52).
 2. Noorzad, M.F. (2019). Evaluating the psychological contract between employee and organization. Rana University Quarterly Journal of Scientific Research. Volume 1, Issue (12).
 3. Noorzad, M.F. (2017). “Exploring the Relationship Between Cultural Intelligence and Impression Management- Case Study: Foreign Students of Selçuk University”, Vol:3, Issue:17; pp: 251-260 (ISSN:2149-8598).
4. Noorzad, M.F. (2018). “Job Choice in A Fuzzy Environment: According to CEOs, What Is the Optımum Entıty To Start Professıon?”, Vol:4, Issue:18; pp:39-53 (ISSN:2149-8598).
5. Noorzad, Mohammad Farid. (2018). Exploring the Effect of Diversity Management on Organizational Climate. Master Thesis No: 503249.
6. Noorzad, Mohammad Farid, Saiedy, Sayed Mustafa. (2020). Assessing the Impact of Organizational Identification On Corporate Entrepreneurship. Rana Semiannually Journal of Economics and Business Research. Vol. 1, Issue (1). PP (83-98).
 7. Noorzad, Mohammad Farid. (2020). Exploring the Effect of Diversity Management on Organizational Climate. Article at Rana Semiannually Journal of Economics and Business Research. Vol. 1, Issue (1). PP (25-60).
 8. Noorzad, M. F. (2023). Does the person-organization fit influence employee engagement at work? Case Study: Administrative personnel of Selcuk University. Journal of Academic Value Studies, 9(2), 115-124


Mohammad Rafi Akbari ‎

Faculty Member of Public Policy and Administration, Kabul University

Educations: ‎
BA in Economics from Mysore University, India ‎
MA. In Public Administration from Yeungnam University, Republic of South Korea
Languages: Pesian, Pashto and English, Urdu and Korean
Scientific programs: SPSS, STATA, Research Methodology
Researches: ‎
‎1. Role of Government in Rural Development: Comparison between Afghanistan National Solidarity ‎Program and South Korea Saemaul Undong. ‎

Mohammad Fawad Abrahimi

Faculty Member of Public Policy and Administration, Kabul University

BA in Public Policy and Administration from Kabul University
MA in Local Governance and Decentralization from Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey.
Language: Persian, Pashto, English and Turkish
Scientific programs: SPSS, Research Methodology
1. Effectiveness of Punishment System at Afghanistan’s Public sectors 2015.
2. A comparative study of cultural similarities of Balkh and Konya cities 2019.
3. The Role of Social Media in Recruitment Process 2023.