Human Rights

Human rights are the basic rights of every human being that he benefits from simply being a human being. Human rights, which have a moral origin in principle, are general, universal, interconnected, inalienable and mandatory rights that all human beings benefit from naturally and equally without any discrimination or privilege, so no person in any No one in the world is deprived of these rights and these rights cannot be violated, and the violation of this right in the case of a person is considered as a violation of human rights. The recognition and observance of human rights forms the basis of freedom and justice and lays the groundwork for maintaining and promoting the interests of all humanity and as a result global peace and security. Human rights are reflected in international documents, especially the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; The general examples of human rights are civil, political, economic, social, cultural and collective rights or rights of solidarity, which are observed without separation and together, and no domestic or international authority has the right to limit or deprive them arbitrarily.
The United Nations and international humanitarian organizations are active in the direction of developing human rights and preventing their violations; But in practice, the full observance of human rights remains an ideal [especially in the third world]; The main reason for this is the lack of knowledge of the majority of human beings about these rights and their violation by the governments in these countries. Therefore, working to identify the existing obstacles on the way to achieving the mentioned rights and providing scientific solutions to overcome this impasse is a very big human task, and the “symbol of justice” is committed to working and working tirelessly in this field. The United Nations and international humanitarian organizations are active in the direction of developing human rights and preventing their violations; But in practice, the full observance of human rights remains an ideal [especially in the third world]; The main reason for this is the lack of knowledge of the majority of human beings about these rights and their violation by the governments in these countries. Therefore, working to identify the existing obstacles on the way to achieving the mentioned rights and providing scientific solutions to overcome this impasse is a very big human task, and the “symbol of justice” is committed to working and working tirelessly in this field.